Overall a pleasing month, although I was hoping to reach +$30k having been +$24k after the first 24 days. I managed to achieve my 200 hour target for the month.
Total: $25,563
Hours: 210
Average Rate1: $122/hr
Average Rate2: $825/day
Rake Earned: $4,060 (included in above total)
Losing Days: 2
$1k+ Days: 12
Best Day: +$4,307
Worst Day: -$1,751 (fuck me)
Worst Day Sober: -$857
Total Hands: 149,793
$1/$2 Hands: 145,100
$1/$2 BB/100: 7.82

Very sick month man, please move up and don't drain all the 1/2 donks! :P
Good stuff SM, very well done and thanks for posting your graph up - how did you get it sorted?
Also do you have any "target" that you want to make per year?
Do you have plans on what age you want to play to, and are you putting money away for retirement?
I had to increase my RAM before I could get the graphs sorted!
I have no target per se. It's important that I have balance in my life- I don't want to feel I have to spend all my time playing poker in order to reach some goal. However, I expect to make $200k+/year.
I intend to play indefinitely.
Indirectly I am saving in that I am paying off all debts that I have and building equity in my properties.
There is no guarantee over the future on online poker. I'm optimistic that things should carry on as they are for sometime but I hope to be able to make enough in the next fews years in case things change.
Why did you change your bb/100 to the cheesy way?
You should just keep it at PT BB / 100 which is what pretty much everyone uses.
You just like to see the higher # dont u :)
What do you spend your Full Tilt Points on?
How about your ironman medals?
It makes no sense to use PTBB/100 when referring to NL games (just limit.) BB/100 is more suitable.
But, yeah- I like the bigger numbers.
I've spent my FT points on:
2 x 50" Plasmas
2 x I-pods
+ a few smaller items
I've exchanged a few Iron Man medals for FT points- but I've not really bothered with the whole Iron Man thing.
how many hands per hour do you get through playing 16 tables? How do you cope?
Congrats on the amazing month. How do you keep your self motivated w/all of the hours?
16 tables is probably around 900 - 1000 hands/hour.
How do I cope? The usual- drink, drugs and prostitutes.
Motivation isn't really that much of a problem. Plenty of people work a similar amount of hours per week in a boring office job.
Sometimes when I'm tired I do think about just having a night off and going to sleep but then I just tell myself that I'd be missing out on a good opportunity to make some money.
Mike, what time do you play the bulk of your hours (i.e. local time for you). I'm usually up and playing at 7:00am UK time and you are nearly always on. It's my understanding that it would be the middle of the night for you?? Is that not hard with a wife and kids to be playing during the night and, presumably, sleeping during the day?
I usually play some time between 10pm and 8am EST (3am - 1pm UK time.)
I'm trying to start earlier and finish by 6am to make it easier to sleep. I don't have a wife (never married) and I have a nanny to watch the kids for me when I need to sleep!
In previous post you mentioned the succesful players at Fulltilt - Im sure 3 of those names were said to be bots in a post before. How do you know they arent bots?
Ive played with milo and raylapsley lots and neither ever speak so Im sure they are too
Regarding the three "accused" of being bots- full_tilting, mariojr, and 0_Drunkenboxer. I have spoken to each of them many times at the tables (when I used to use chat) and also via e-mail and private messaging on 2+2.
Melo44 has tried chatting with me before at the tables (but I have been unable to respond.)
Raylapsley left a comment on the previous post and I also exchange e-mails with him weekly.
So, to put your mind at rest, neither of them are bots!
My mistake - unless raylapsley is a highly evolved bot, then I doubt he would be leaving messages lol Hes just a grumpy bastard at the tables then!
I'm sure that Raylapsley is not a bot.
For full_tilting, mariojr, and 0_Drunkenboxer, I don't know what to think. Anyway, they really suck and I will continue to rape them if they are at my table, bots or not. :)
[quote]I don't have a wife (never married)[/quote]
Sorry for the wild assumption Mike. With the kids and pics of what looks like the dictionary definition of a family home I put 2+2 together and game up with 5 :D
smart momey
whne u got chat b anned did they issue you a wanring frist?
did you get bad luck after they chat banned you in the few days vafter?
whne u got chat b anned did they issue you a wanring frist?
Yes they did.
did you get bad luck after they chat banned you in the few days vafter?
Funny you should mention that- Yes. This girl I was seeing found a condom wrapper in my bedroom that I'd forgotten to throw away and she hasn't slept with me since.
I don't understand why you choose to play 1/2 with this kind of success. Why don't you play 2/4?
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