July ended well, with five consecutive $1,000+ days.
Total: $18,725
Hours: 154
Average Rate1: $121/hr
Average Rate2: $604/day
Rake Earned: $2,893 (included in above total)
Losing Days: 4
$1k+ Days: 12
Best Day: $1,916
Worst Day: -$763
P&L Charts
The following P&L charts/graphs are a selection of some that I have written for my Excel spreadsheet (see earlier post for link.)
They are pretty self-explanatory, except perhaps the 12-Month Projection graph. This takes the profit for the fiscal year (since going full-time, March 07) to date, and projects the remainder of the year based on recent form. Two separate recent form values are calculated; average for past 30 days and average for past 90 days. Finally the average of these averages(!) is used for the final projection.

Graphs are nice and pretty Mike.
Hi mate, I'm playing as PaulLeGuen.
Managed to get eh $$ sorted so should be ok unless I go on a major tilt spree, but thanks anyway.
Some nice results there :)
Show off :)
Great figures mate (Not just the tit pictures)
Keep it up and the custard creams will definitely be on you in September.
just wondering what site u mainly play on?
Mainly Full Tilt
Hey Mike,
Nice blog and congrats on the 200K mark. I play on Tilt with you quite a bit. My winrate's higher but you crush me in total hands and total cash. Wish I had your stamina.
Any special reason or meaning for the nick Narena? And why did you move to North Carolina? Isn't it better in England as far as taxes are concerned?
What's your screen name?
How many tables do you play? How many hours a day on average?
"Narena" is my 4-year old daughter's name.
I moved to North Carolina to teach Mathematics and I ended up staying.
Crikey. A chartaholic!
I've had counselling, my parents have disowned me, and I've lost custody of my kids all because I am a chartaholic!
I've tried to break it, but everytime it's the same: "Just one more graph."
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